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$12.00 $0.00 first month
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As long as you have this membership you will stay as a Passes Role in the Discord Server.
- Discord Role and Monthly Hang
VIP Supporter
$25.00 $12.50 first month
Get ALL the exclusive content on my wall with this membership.
Access to the PrivatePassses Discord Channel through the Passes Role
Access to our monthly Passes Group Hang Outs
As long as you have this membership you will stay as a Passes Role in the Discord Server.
Your name on my Twitch Panel as a VIP Supporter and Supporter of the stream and community!
- Discord Role and Monthly Hang
All that and a Post Card!
$50.00 $25.00 first month
Get ALL the exclusive content on my wall with this membership.
Access to the PrivatePassses Discord Channel through the Passes Role
Access to our monthly Passes Group Hang Outs
As long as you have this membership you will stay as a Passes Role in the Discord Server.
Your name on my Twitch Panel as a VIP Supporter and Supporter of the stream and community
A monthly Passes Thank You Postcard from me!
- Discord Role and Monthly Hang
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Your gift will be given away live at twitch.tv/katybentz!